Spinning Group Tonight
I've just got home from spinning group. I love to go and see the girls. There were 4 Sickinger wheels there tonight. Pretty rare in our group. We don't normally do spinning on a Monday night but we are having lessons at the end of February on how to make a Wombat Jacket - copied from Elizabeth Zimmermann's Jacket. We are all going to have to wear it when we go to Shepparton for Sharing Day later in the year. We are doing the night spinning to try and get enough wool spun in time for the lesson. We normally spin Monday arvo's but I don't usually go because I have been doing a Comp course. Thank Christ that's finished.
Here is the finished and blocked scarf for IE2. I am so happy with how it turned out. I spun and dyed the wool myself from a Merino, Silk, Alpaca blend. My 11 year old helped me dye the fleece and we had so much fun.
The actual colour is about midway of the two pictures.
I got some downs fleece of E-bay that my son (Jesse) wanted for a pair of socks and started spinning it tonight. Oh so lovely. I am going to spin 100 grams then dye it, dye 100 grams in the fleece. See which turns out the nicest and then decide what to do with the other 100 grams. It should end up being enough for us all to have a pair of socks out off. The girls in group have never heard of DOWNS Fleece but I have been told it is lovely for socks - soft and springy and doesn't pill. We'll see.
The above is the sock (Downs) Fleece I purchased it from E-bay from Russtrees in QLD, AUS. http://search.ebay.com.au/_W0QQfgtpZ1QQfrppZ50QQsassZrusstrees I have purchased a fair bit from her and have only ever been happy with what I have recieved.
Going to bed now - have to work in the morning.