Monday, January 09, 2006

Dyeing today

Hi all,

Today I dyed some wool (Super wash Merino spun with silk) I spun about a year and a half ago. It has been sitting in my basket and calling me lately. It is thicker than I normally spin - it was for a baby blanket but the baby is over a year old now. I decided to dye it purple and knit a cable scarf for my girlfriend (the baby's mother). Her favourite colour is purple and she loves scarves in winter - so perfect.

The colours didn't dye evenly. I don't think the silk took the colour as quick as the merino, so it is light and dark purple. I think it will knit up nice.

I also did some more spinning of the white alpaca, I am so please with how the drum carder prepared the fleece - a pure dream to spin. I'm doing it fine and am thinking a shawl will be perfect.

I will definately have to do some real work tomorrow. It's the 9th of Jan and I still haven't done the end of month. Oooops not good enough.

Going to bed now will talk tomorrow.



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